Tuesday 4 June 2013

Red Square madness

Red Square isn't exactly a quiet place, but it was all action there yesterday. I wasn't sure what to expect really, but I definitely was not expecting a big sports showcase complete with music being blasted from speakers and what appeared to be a military band. Basketball, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, and gymnastics were all on display. There was even a timed sprint competition that anyone could enter. I knew I wasn't in New Zealand when I saw the line of people waiting for their turn had about 50 people in it!

We joined a free tour starting from Kitay Gorod which made its way to Red Square. The tour was brilliant and I highly recommend it to anyone visiting Moscow.

We met the group at the monument to Cyril and Methodius, who were apparently the founding fathers of the Cyrillic alphabet. The wreaths at the bottom of the monument were laid there as part of Slavonic Literature and Culture Day, which was held just over a week ago.

Churches and cathedrals were often paid for by individuals and as the story goes, the greater the sin, the bigger and fancier the church you have to build in order for those sins to be forgiven. And so Ivan the Terrible built St Basil's Cathedral.

The interior of the cathedral is incredibly breathtaking. When you look up at the ceiling, the combination of dizzying heights and bright colours leaves you speechless and feeling humbled to be in such a beautiful place.

Lenin's mausoleum recently reopened after being closed for several months due to repairs. We didn't manage to visit the mausoleum because of the crowd and the limited opening hours, but I will definitely get there before my time in Moscow is up.

The Russian State Historical Museum is on Red Square. In a giant red building that you just can't miss. The collection on display is extensive and while not as glamourous as the Fabergé eggs at the Armoury (more on that another time), it is definitely worth a visit.

My highlight was this giant globe from the late 17th century, which only showed about a quarter of the North Island.

A trip to Red Square wouldn't be complete without a trip to GUM, the most luxurious and over the top shopping mall I have ever seen. Unless it is coffee or ice cream, there isn't much I can afford in there. There's nothing wrong with window shopping though, especially when the architecture (both inside and outside) is as beautiful as it is.

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